Curriculum Vitae
- Ph.D in Statistical signal processing applied to radio-interferometry, SATIE/Université Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-yvette, France - 2023
- M.S. in Electronics and signal processing, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France - 2015-2018
Professional Experience
Current position: Associate professor
2024-present - LISTIC/Université Savoie Mont Blanc - Annecy, France
Postdoctoral Research
2023-2024 - MAP5/Université Paris-Cité - Paris, France
- As part of the Image group, conducted research on hyperspectral image reconstruction involving Andrés Almansa, Rémy Abergel, and Lionel Moisan. Collaborating with Mauro Dalla-Mura from Gipsa-Lab for the ANR project Fu-MultiSpoc, aiming at building a high-resolution hyperspectral imager based on a Fabry Perot interferometer.
- Research focus include hyperspectral image denoising, image restoration, and plug-and-play approaches to inverse problems.
Phd in statistical signal processing
2020-2023 - Université Paris-Saclay/SATIE - Gif-Sur-Yvette, France
- Developed novel statistical signal processing methodologies for calibration and imaging in radio-interferometric data, considering the presence of interferences.
- Research themes: Statistical learning, deep neural networks, inverse problems, radio-interferometry.
- Contributions:
- Published in national and international journals and conferences.
- Contributed to the python library (pfb-clean) dedicated to radio-interferometric imaging on voluminous data for the MeerKat radio telescope.
- Taught C++ module, image processing, and telecommunications systems in the fourth year of engineering school.
- Proficient in Python, C++.
- Received training in science communication and outreach.
R&D Algorithm Engineer
2019-2020 - Phasics - St-Aubin, France
- Led the design and development of signal and image processing tools for the analysis of interferometric data from wavefront analyzers, with applications in laser beam characterization, phase microscopy, and optical characterization.
- Projects:
- Developed a Python library dedicated to wavefront data analysis.
- Created a C library dedicated to Zernike polynomial calculations.
- Applied machine learning for temperature calibration of wavefront analyzers.
- Developed image processing solutions for the detection of Gaussian sources in interferograms.
Reviewing Activities
- IET Signal Processing
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
- Elsevier Signal Processing
- EUSIPCO Conference
Programming Langages: Python, C/C++, bash, html/css
Documents : Latex, Office Suite